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Planning the perfect TMAC

April 7, 2023

TMAC, which stands for Technology Moves, Adds, and Changes, involves managing the modifications made to a company’s technology infrastructure. Undertaking large TMAC projects can go very wrong if the proper due diligence hasn’t been completed.

To ensure a successful Technology Moves, Adds, and Changes (TMAC) process, here are some steps that you can follow:

  1. Define a clear and concise TMAC policy: Establish a comprehensive policy that outlines the procedures for TMAC, including how changes will be approved, executed, and tracked. The policy should define roles and responsibilities for different stakeholders involved in the process.
  2. Develop a detailed project plan: Create a detailed plan that covers all aspects of the TMAC process, including timelines, budgets, and risk assessments. The plan should also include a communication strategy to keep stakeholders informed throughout the process.
  3. Conduct a thorough assessment: Conduct a thorough assessment of the existing infrastructure to identify potential risks and areas that require attention. This will help to minimize disruptions and downtime during the TMAC process.
  4. Test and validate changes: Before implementing changes, conduct thorough testing and validation to ensure that they are compatible with existing systems and that they do not cause any unexpected issues or problems.
  5. Implement changes in a controlled manner: Changes should be implemented in a controlled manner to minimize the risk of disruptions and downtime. Ensure that stakeholders are informed throughout the process and that any issues are addressed promptly.
  6. Monitor and evaluate the changes: After implementing changes, monitor the performance of the system to ensure that it is functioning as intended. Evaluate the results and identify areas for improvement.

Jace can help you by implementing a roadmap to following these steps, to ensure a successful TMAC process that minimizes disruptions and downtime while maximizing the benefits of technology changes.

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